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1970-1979 Archived Publications


  1. Browne RA, Politi VLKnotting of an epidural catheter: a case report. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 26 (2):142-144, 1979.
  2. Catton DVPerioperative hypertension. Ontario Medical Review 46:385-386, 1979.
  3. Fargas-Babjak A, Forrest JB. Effect of halothane on the pulmonary vascular response to hypoxia in dogs. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 26 (1):58-60, 1979.
  4. Forrest JB, Todd MH, Cragg DJA simple method of percutaneous cannulation of the pulmonary artery in small mammals. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 26 (1):58-60, 1979.
  5. Forrest JBStructural aspects of gas exchange. Federation Proceedings 38 (2): 209-214, 1979.
  6. Forrest JB, Rossman CM, Newhouse MT, Ruffin R. Activation of nasal cilia in immotile cilia syndrome. American Review of Respiratory Disease 120 (3):511-515, 1979.
  7. Lee RM, Garfield RE, Forrest JB, Daniel EE. The effects of fixation, dehydration and critical point drying on the size of cultured smooth muscle cells. Scanning Electron Microscopy (3):439-448, 1979.
  8. Todd MH, Cragg DJ, Forrest JB. Effects of aspirin on vascular response to pulmonary embolism. Bibliotheca Anatomica (18):122-124, 1979.


  1. A comparative assessment of alfathesin for use in outpatient anesthesia. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 25 (2):125-129, 1978.
  2. Dunn GL, Houlton PJ, Morison DH, Rajagopalan R. The influence of fentanyl on an alfathesin infusion technique. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 25 (4):331-335, 1978.
  3. Forrest JBManagement of chronic dorsal root pain with epidural steroid. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 25 (3):218-225, 1978.
  4. Forrest JB, Fargas-Babjak AVariability of the pulmonary vascular response to hypoxia and relation to gas exchange in dogs. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 25 (6):479-487, 1978.
  5. Forrest JBThe current status of anesthesia research in Canada. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 25 (6): 524-531, 1978.
  6. Hewson JR. Perfusion characteristics during cardiopulmonary bypass and subsequent changes in alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradients. Anesth Analg 57 (3):298-302, 1978.
  7. Rigg JR, Browne RA, Davis C, Khandelwal JK, Goldsmith CH. Variation in the disposition of morphine after i.m. administration in surgical patients. British Journal of Anaesthesia 50:1125-1130, 1978.
Other Publications
  1. Forrest JB. Small group learning as the primary instructional mode. 17:381-382, 1978.


  1. Fagan DG, Forrest JB, Enhorning G, Lamprey M, Guy JAcute pulmonary toxicity of a commercial flurocarbon – lipid aerosol. Histopathy 1 (3):209-223, 1977.
  2. Forrest JBA quantitative morphological study of early platelet aggregation in rabbit lungs. Microvascular Research 14 (1):111-129, 1977.
  3. Leak D, Carroll JJ, Robinson DC, Ashworth EJ. Management of pheochromocytoma during pregnancy. Canadian Medical Association Journal 116 (4):371-375, 1977.
  4. Leak D, Carroll JJ, Robinson DC, Ashworth EJ. Management of pheochromocytoma during pregnancy. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 32:583-585, 1977.
  5. Murphy DA, Dunn GL, Gillis DA, Dobell ARC, Wenning ASEffect of unilateral pulmonary artery occlusion on the arterial oxygen pressure of children undergoing pulmonary systemic artery shunt procedures. Canadian Journal of Surgery 20 (2):107-110, 1977.
Book Chapters
  1. Stringer RM, Catton DVThe History of Anaesthesia in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada1977.


  1. Forrest JBAn unusual complication after stellate ganglion block by the paratracheal approach: a case report. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 23 (4):435-439, 1976.
  2. Forrest JBLung tissue plasticity: morphometric analysis of anisotropic strain in liquid filled lungs. Respiration Physiology 27 (2):223-239, 1976.


  1. Browne RA, Catton DV. The use of intrathecal phenol for muscle spasms in multiple sclerosis: A description of two cases. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 22 (2):208-218, 1975.
  2. Catton DV, Kim SD. Acupuncture for chronic pain – a small pilot project. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 3 (1):75-81, 1975.
  3. Forrest JB, Weibel ERMorphometric estimation of pulmonary diffusion capacity. VII. The normal Guinea pig lung. Respiration Physiology 24 (2):191-202, 1975.


  1. Forrest JBAlveolar dimensions following normal and increased ventilation with normocapnia. Respiration Physiology 20 (1):51-67, 1974.
  2. Morison DH, Riggs JR. Cardiovascular collapse in laparoscopy. Canadian Medical Association Journal 111 (5):433-437, 1974.


  1. Browne RA, Catton DVA study of awareness during anesthesia. Anesth Analg 52 (1):128-132, 1973.
  2. Browne RA, Catton DV. Awareness during anaesthesia: a comparison of anaesthesia with nitrous oxide-oxygen and nitrous oxide-oxygen with innovar. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 20 (6):763-768, 1973.
  3. Catton DVIntramuscular ketamine-repeated injections. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 20 (2):227-229, 1973.
  4. Murphy DA, Dunn GL, Poirier N, Martin M. Growth of tracheal anastomoses. An experimental study in weanling pigs. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 16 (2):158-162, 1973.
  5. Murphy DA, Lemire GG, Tessler I, Dunn GL. Correction of type B aortic arch interruption with ventricular and atrial septal defects in a three-day-old infant. Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery 65 (6):882-886, 1973.


  1. Catton DV, Browne RA. A double blind comparison of pancuronium and D-tubocurarine for endotracheal intubation. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 19 (3):305-308, 1972.
  2. Flynn S, Browne RAThe Flynn emergency resuscitator. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 19 (3):319-321, 1972.


  1. Browne RA, Catton DVThe use of bupivacaine in labour. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 18 (1): 23-32, 1971.
  2. Catton DV, Browne RAInnovar as an adjunct to nitrous oxide, oxygen, curare anaesthesia. Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal 18 (2):172-177, 1971.


  1. Catton DV, Browne RAPremedication with fentanyl and droperidol, or meperidine. Anesth Analg 49 (3):389-392, 1970.