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1990-1999 Archived Publications


  1. Boegehold M, Lee RM, Mulvany MJ, Nilius B, Prewitt RL, Zhang JVascular research at INABIS 98. Journal of Vascular Research 36 (2):147-150, 1999.
  2. Boyle MH, Jaded ARLessons from large trials: the MTA study as a model for evaluating the treatment of childhood psychiatric disorder. [Review] [21 refs]. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry – Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie 44:991-998, 1999.
  3. Choi PT, Yip G, Quinonez LG, Cook DJCrystalloids vs. colloids in fluid resuscitation: a systematic review [see comments]. Critical Care Medicine 27 (1):200-210, 1999.
  4. Cina CS, Bruin GAcute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) in surgery of the thoraco-abdominal aorta. A cohort study to evaluate coagulation parameters and blood products utilization. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 40 (1):37-43, 1999.
  5. Critchley P, Jadad AR, Taniguchi A, Woods A, Stevens R, Reyno L, Whelan TJAre some palliative care delivery systems more effective and efficient than others? A systematic review of comparative studies. [Review] [62 refs]. Journal of Palliative Care 15 (4):40-47, 1999.
  6. Cook DJ, Choi PComment on Cochrane Injuries Group Albumin Reviewers. BMJ 317:235-240. ACP Journal Club 130:6, 1999.
  7. Cook DJ, Choi PComment on Cochrane Injuries Group Albumin Reviewers. BMJ 317:235-240. Evidence Based Medicine 4:19, 1999.
  8. Dickhout JG, Lee RMApoptosis in the muscular arteries from young spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Hypertension 17:1413-1419, 1999.
  9. Entwistle V, Buchanon H, Coulter A, Jadad ARTowards constructive innovation and rigorous evaluation: a new series on methods for promoting and evaluating participation [editorial; comment]. Health Expectations 2:75-77, 1999.
  10. Fargas-Babjak A, Claraco AEClinical applications of medical acupuncture. Canadian Journal of CME:71-88, 1999.
  11. Fox PL, Raina P, Jadad AR. Prevalence and treatment of pain in older adults in nursing homes and other long-term care institutions: a systematic review. [Review] [38 refs]. CMAJ 160 (3):329-333, 1999.
  12. Ho AM, Ling EContamination susceptibility of three needleless and one standard needle injection systems. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 46 (3):290-293, 1999.
  13. Ho AM, Ling ESystemic air embolism after lung trauma. [Review] [107 refs]. Anesthesiology 90 (2):564-575, 1999.
  14. Ho AM. Bronchial blocker placement through the lumen of an in situ tracheal tube. [Review] [9 refs]. Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care 47 (2):423-425, 1999.
  15. Ho AM. Sore throat after central venous cannulation. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 92 (4):199, 1999.
  16. Ho AM. Is emergency thoracotomy always the most appropriate immediate intervention for systemic air embolism after lung trauma? Chest 116 (1):234-237, 1999.
  17. Jadad AR. Promoting partnerships: challenges for the internet age. [Review] [42 refs]. BMJ 319 (7212): 761-764, 1999.
  18. Jadad AR, Booker L, Gauld M, Kakuma R, Boyle M, Cunningham CE, Kim M, Schachar RThe treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: An annotated bibliography and critical appraisal of published systematic reviews and meta analyses. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 44:1025-1035, 1999.
  19. Kahn L, Baxter FJ, Dauphin A, Goldsmith CH, Jackson PA, McChesney J, Miller JD, Takeuchi HL, Young JEA comparison of thoracic and lumbar epidural techniques for post-thoracoabdominal esophagectomy analgesia. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 46:415-422, 1999.
  20. Reeve BK, Cook DJSemirecumbency among mechanically ventilated ICU patients: a multicenter observational study. Clinical Intensive Care 10 (6):241-244, 1999.
  21. Walter SD, Jadad ARMeta-analysis of screening data: a survey of the literature. [Review] [60 refs]. Stat Med 18 (24):3409-3424, 1999.


  1. Al Kaisy A, McGuire G, Chan VW, Bruin G, Peng P, Miniaci A, Perlas AAnalgesic effect of interscalene block using low-dose bupivacaine for outpatient arthroscopic shoulder surgery. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine 23 (5):469-473, 1998.
  2. Brister SJ, Pelletier A, Fedorshyn J, Puchalski S, Buchanon MRCardiopulmonary bypass pumps and thrombin generation: what goes around comes around. ASAIO Journal 44 (6):794-798, 1998.
  3. Choi PT, Quinonez LG, Cook DJ, Baxter F, Whitehead LThe use of glycopyrrolate in a case of intermediate syndrome following acute organophosphate poisoning. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 45 (4):337-340, 1998.
  4. Choi P, Cook DJComment on Chierhout G, Roberts I. BMJ 1998; 316:961-964. ACP Journal Club 129:32, 1998.
  5. Dickhout JG, Lee RM. Blood pressure and heart rate development in young spontaneously hypetensive rats. American Journal of Physiology 274 (3 Pt 2):H794-H800, 1998.
  6. Enkin MW, Jadad ARUsing anecdotal information in evidence-based health care: heresy or necessity? [Review] [22 refs]. Annals of Oncology 9:963-966, 1998.
  7. Gillies LK, Werstiuk ES, Lee RMCross-over study comparing effects of treatment with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and an angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagoniston cardiovascular changes in hypertension. Journal of Hypertension 16:477-486, 1998.
  8. Halpern SH, Leighton BL, Ohlsson A, Barrett JF, Rice AEffect of epidural vs parenteral opioid analgesia on the progress of labor: a meta-analysis. JAMA 280 (24):2105-2110, 1998.
  9. Ho AM, Contardi LH, Dion PWRotating wheels as seen on television. Physics Teacher 36:24-26, 1998.
  10. Jadad AR, Moher D, Klassen TP. Guides for reading and interpreting systematic reviews: II. How did the authors find the studies and assess their quality? Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 152 (8):812-817, 1998.
  11. Jadad AR, Cook DJ, Jones A, Klassen TP, Tugwell P, Moher M, Moher DMethodology and reports of systematic reviews and meta-analyses: a comparison of Cochrane reviews with articles published in paper-based journals. JAMA 280 (3):278-280, 1998.
  12. Jadad AR, Hanes RBThe Cochrane Collaboration – advances and challenges in improving evidence-based decision making. Medical Decision Making 18 (1):2-9, 1998.
  13. Jadad AR, Gagliardi ARating health information on the Internet: navagating to knowledge or to Babel? [see comments]. [Review] [14 refs]. JAMA 279 (8):611-614, 1998.
  14. Jadad AR, Rennie DThe randomized controlled trial gets a middle-aged checkup [editorial; comment]. JAMA 279 (4):319-320, 1998.
  15. Jadad ARCoping with information overload in pain relief: the role of systematic reviews [editorial; comment]. European Journal of Pain 2:187-188, 1998.
  16. Klassen TP, Jadad AR, Moher DGuides for reading and interpreting systematic reviews: I. Getting started [see comments]. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 152:700-704, 1998.
  17. Ling E, Warkentin TEIntraoperative heparin flushes and subsequent acute heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Anesthesiology 89:1567-1569, 1998.
  18. Raymer K, Yang HPatients with aortic stenosis: cardiac complications in non-cardiac surgery. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 45:855-859, 1998.
  19. Smedstad KGDealing with post-dural puncture headache – is it different in obstetric? [editorial; comment]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 45 (1):6-9, 1998.
  20. Smedstad KWhen to suggest an epidural. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis 15:73-79, 1998.
  21. Smedstad KG. How to control labour pain. Childbirth should be a joyful experience, but many women still miss out. Parkhurst Exhange 6:64-66, 1998.
  22. Tsoporis J, Keeley FW, Lee RM, Leenen FHArterial vasodilation and vascular connective tissue changes in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 31:960-962, 1998.
  23. Moher D, Pham B, Jones A, Cook DJ, Jadad AR, Moher M, Tugwell P, Klassen TPDoes quality of reports of randomised trials affect estimates of intervention efficacy reported in meta-analyses? [see comments]. Lancet 352 (9128):609-613, 1998.
  24. Moher D, Jadad AR, Klassen TPGuides for reading and interpreting systematic reviews: III. How did the authors synthesize the data and make their conclusions? Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 152:915-920, 1998.
  25. VanHelder T, Smedstad KGCombined spinal epidural anaesthesia in a primigravida with valvular heart disease. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 45 (5 Pt 1): 488-490, 1998.
  26. Wang H, Smeda JS, Lee RMPrevention of stroke and preservation of the functions of cerebral arteries by treatment with perindopril in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 76 (1):26-34, 1998.
  1. Jadad AR. Randomised Controlled Trials. London: BMJ Books, 1998.


  1. Baxter F. Septic Shock. [Review] [102 refs]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 44 (1):59-72, 1997.
  2. Beattie WS, Warriner CB, Etches R, Badner NH, Parsons D, Buckley N, Chan V, Girard MThe addition of continuous intravenous infusion of ketorolac to a patient-controlled analgetic morphine regime reduced postoperative myocardial ischemia in patients undergoing elective total hip or knee arthroplasty [see comments]. Anesth Analg 84 (4):715-722, 1997.
  3. Bender JS, Halpern SH, Thangaroopan M, Jadad AR, Ohlsson AQuality and retrieval of obstetrical anaesthesia randomized controlled trials [see comments]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 44(1):14-18, 1997.
  4. Bero LA, Jadad ARHow consumers and policymakers can use systematic reviews for decision making. Annals of Internal Medicine 127 (1):37-42, 1997.
  5. Brouwers M, Haynes RB, Jadad A, Hayward RSA, Padunsky J, Yang J. Evidence-based health care and the Cochrane Collaboration. Clinical Performance Quality Health Care 5 (4):195-201, 1997.
  6. Browman GP, Levine MN, Graham I, Whelan T, Sawka C, Pritchead KI, Jadad A, Newman TE. The clinical practice guideline: an evolving health care technology. Cancer Prevention & Control 1 (1):7-8, 1997.
  7. Chen J, Delaney KH, Kwiecien JM, Lee RMThe effects of dietary sodium on hypertension and stroke development in female stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Experimental & Molecular Pathology 64(3):173-183, 1997.
  8. Conyers RB, Werstiuk ES, Lee RMExpression of functional beta-adrenoceptors and polyploidy development in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells from spontaneously hypertensive rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 75 (5):375-382, 1997.
  9. Dauphin A, Gupta RN, Young JE, Morton WD. Serum bupivacaine concentrations during continuous extrapleural infusion. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 44 (4):367-370, 1997.
  10. Dauphin A, Raymer K, Stanton EB, Fuller HDComparison of general anesthesia with and without lumbar epidural for total hip arthroplasty: effects of epidural block on hip arthroplasty. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 9:200-203, 1997.
  11. Dauphin A, Lubanska-Hubert E, Young JE, Miller JD, Bennett WF, Fuller HDComparative study of continuous extrapleural intercostal nerve block and lumbar epidural morphine in post-thoracotomy pain. Canadian Journal of Surgery 40 (6):431-436, 1997.
  12. Dickhout JG, Lee RM. Structural and functional analysis of small arteries from young spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension 29 (3):781-789, 1997.
  13. Etches RC, Writer WD, Ansley D, Nydahl PA, Ong BY, Lui A, Badner N, Kawolski S, Muir H, Shuka R, Beattie WS. Continuous epidural ropivacaine 0.2% for analgesia after lower abdominal surgery. Anesth Analg 84 (4):784-790, 1997.
  14. Forrest JNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Have they altered the practice parameters for pain management? Anesthesiology Clinics of North America 1:179-204, 1997.
  15. Forrest JB, Heitlinger EK, Revell S. Ketorolac for postoperative pain management in children. [Review] [113 refs]. Drug Safety 16 (5):309-329, 1997.
  16. Forrest JB. Chronic pelvic pain: An enigma. Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Canada 19:937-944, 1997.
  17. Forrest JBMigraine headache: Presentation and treatment. Ontario Dental Nurses & Assistants Association 3 (2):9-11, 1997.
  18. Gillies LK, Lu M, Wang H, Lee RMAT1 receptor antagonist treatment caused persistent arterial function changes in young spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension 30 (6):1471-1478, 1997.
  19. Haynes RB, Jadad AR, Hunt DLWhat’s up in medical informatics? [Review] [3 refs]. CMAJ 157:1718-1719, 1997.
  20. Hayward RSA, Gagliardi A, Jadad ARHealthcare on the Internet. Health Measures Sep: 28-43, 1997.
  21. Jadad AR, Cook DJ, Browman GP. A guide to interpreting discordant systematic reviews. CMAJ 156:1411-1416, 1997.
  22. John L, Perrault MM, Tao T, Blew PG. Serotonin syndrome associated with nefazodone and paroxetine. Annals of Emergency Medicine 29 (2):287-289, 1997.
  23. Kahn L. Neuropathies masquerading as an epidural complication. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 44 (3):313-316, 1997.
  24. Krizmanich WJ, Lee RMCorrelation of vascular smooth muscle cell morphology observed by scanning electron microscopy with transmission electron microscopy. Experimental & Molecular Pathology 64 (3):157-172, 1997.
  25. Lee RM, Kwan CY. The use of problem-based learning in medical education. Journal of Medical Education 1:149-158, 1997.
  26. Lee RM, Lu M, Gillies L, Werstiuk ESAntihypertensive effects of perindophril treatment in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 13:831-835, 1997.
  27. Lee RM, Adams MA, Hamet P, Friberg P, Smeda JSDebate: vascular remodelling. Journal of Hypertension 15:333-337, 1997.
  28. Raymer K, Choi PConcurrent subarachnoid haemorrhage and myocardial injury. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 44 (5 Pt 1):515-519, 1997.
  29. Smedstad KGInfection after central neuraxial block [editorial; comment]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 44 (3):235-238, 1997.
  30. Wang H, Delaney KH, Kwiecien JM, Smeda JS, Lee RM. Prevention of stroke with perindopril treatment in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clinical & Investigative Medicine – Medecine Clinique et Experimentale 20 (5):327-338, 1997.
Book Chapters
  1. Lee RM, Forrest JBStructure and function of cilia. In: The Lung: Scientific Foundations, edited by RG Crystal, JB West, PJ Barnes, NS Cherniak, ER Weibel. New York: Raven Press, p. 459-478, 1997.
  2. Forrest JB, Lee RMThe bronchial wall: Integrated form and function. In: The Lung: Scientific Foundations, edited by RG Crystal, JB West, PJ Barnes, NS Cherniak, ER Weibel. New York: Raven Press, 1997.


  1. Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS, McDonald J, Haire R, Peachey GConcurrent utilization review and inappropriate hospital stay: evaluation of a program. Clinical & Investigative Medicine – Medecine Clinique et Experimentale 19 (1):28-35, 1996.
  2. Forrest JBDefining the role of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in postoperative pain managementSouth African Journal of Anaesthesiology 2:8-13, 1996.
  3. Gillies LK, Lee RMEffects of chronic blockade of angiotensin II receptor on the maintenance of hypertension and vascular change in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 74: 1061-1069, 1996.
  4. Heyland D, Gafni A, Griffith L, Cook DJ, Marshall JC, Fuller HD, Todd TJ, Guslits B, Heule M, Hewson JR, Lacroix J, Noseworthy T, Powles PThe clinical and economic consequences of clinically important gastro-intestinal bleeding in critically ill patients. Clinical Intensive Care 7:121-125, 1996.
  5. Lee RM, Wang H, Smeda JSPerindopril treatment in the prevention of stroke in experimental animals. Journal of Hypertension – Supplement 14 (6):S29-S33, 1997.
  6. Ho AM, Contardi LHWhat to do when an endotracheal tube cuff leaks [see comments]. Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Critical 40 (3):486-487, 1996.
  7. Ho AM, Shragge BW, Tittley JG, Fedoryshyn JN, Puksa S. Exhalation obstruction due to Laerdal valve misassembly. Critical Care Medicine 24 (2):362-364, 1996.
  8. Ho AM, Roth P, Cowan WDGaseous distention of the urinary bag indicating bladder perforation during laparoscopic pelvic procedures. International Journal of Gynaecology & Obstetrics 55 (3):297-298, 1996.
  9. Park J, Forrest J, Kolesar R, Bhola D, Beattie S, Chu COral clonidine reduces postoperative PCA morphine requirements [see comments]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 43:900-906, 1996.
  10. Tough SC, Green FHY, Paul JE, Wigle DT, Butt JC. Sudden death from asthma in 108 children and young adults. Journal of Asthma 33 (3):179-188, 1996.
  11. Yang HIntraoperative automated ST segment analysis: a reliable ‘black box’ [Review] [71 refs]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 43:1041-1051, 1996.
  1. Forrest JBAcute Pain: Pathophysiology and Treatment. Hamilton: Manticore, 1996.
  2. Forrest JBPlaying Healthy Golf: An Illustrated Manual of Golf Injuries. Hamilton: Manticore, 1996.
  3. Forrest JBThe Pain Book: A Patient Guide to Pain and How to Control It. Hamilton: Manticore, 1996.
Book Chapters
  1. Egier BP, Hamielec CM, Hewson JRMedical staffing and training in Canada. In: Critical Care Standards, Audit and Ethics, edited by J Tinker, DRG Browne, WJ SibbaldOxford: Oxford University Press, p.2017-211, 1996.


  1. Choi PT, Quinonez LG, Cook DJAcute organophosphate insecticide poisoning. Clinical Intensive Care 6:228-235, 1995.
  2. Conyers RB, Kwan CY, Lee RMAlterations in beta-adrenoceptors and polyploidy in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells from different age groups of spontaneously hypertensive rats and Wistar-Kyoto rats. Journal of Hypertension 13 (5):507-515, 1995.
  3. Etches RC, Warriner CB, Badner N, Buckley DN, Beattie WS, Chan VW, Parsons D, Girard MContinuous intravenous administration of ketorolac reduces pain and morphine consumption after total hip or knee arthroplasty. Anesth Analg 81 (6):1175-1180, 1995.
  4. Forrest JBTreating pain versus inflammation. Pain Manager 1 (2):1-3, 1995.
  5. Lee RM. Morphology of cerebral arteries. [Review] [116 refs]. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 66 (1):149-173, 1995.
  6. Lee RM, Delaney KH, Lu MPerindopril treatment prolonged the lifespan of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Hypertension 13 (4):471-476, 1995.
  7. Lee RM, Owens GK, Scott-Burden T, Head RJ, Mulvany MJ, Schiffrin ELPathophysiology of smooth muscle in hypertension. [Review] [103 refs]. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 73 (5):574-584, 1995.
  8. Morison DHAlkalinization of local anaesthetics [editorial]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 42:1076-1079, 1995.
  9. Smedstad KGEditorial on Kingham AM, Douglas MJ. Piriformis pyomyositis mimicking epidural abcess in a parturient. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 42 (3):240-245, 1995.
  10. Smedstad KGObstetrical anaesthesia in Ontario [editorial]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 42:1071-1075, 1995.
  11. Wong AK, Bissonnette B, Braude BM, Macdonald RM, St Louis PJ, Fear DWPost-tonsillectomy infiltration with bupivacaine reduces immediate postoperative pain in children. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 42:770-774, 1995.


  1. Cook DJ, Fuller HD, Guyatt GH, Marshall JC, Leasa D, Hall R, Winton TL, Rutledge F, Roy PRisk factors for gastrointestinal bleeding in critically-ill patients. Canadian Critical Care Trials Group [see comments]. New England Journal of Medicine 330 (6):377-381, 1994.
  2. Herman E, Williams R, Stratford P, Fargas-Babjak A, Trott MA randomized controlled trial of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (CODETRON) to determine its benefits in a rehabilitation program for acute occupational low back pain. Spine 19 (5):561-568, 1994.
  3. Kwan CY, Chaudhary R, Zheng XF, Ni J, Lee RM. Effects of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump inhibitors on vascular smooth muscle. Hypertension 23 (1 Suppl):I156-I160, 1994.
  4.  Lee RMFish oil, essential fatty acids, and hypertension. [Review] [61 refs]. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 72 (8):945-953, 1994.
  5. Lee RM, Wang H, Smeda J. Effects of perindopril on hypertension and stroke prevention in experimental animals. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 10 Suppl D:33D-36D, 1994.
  6. Leenen FH, Yuan B, Tsoporis J, Lee RMArterial hypertrophy and pressor responsiveness during development of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Hypertension 12 (1):23-32, 1994.
  7. Smedstad KG, Cramb R, Morison DH. Pulmonary hypertension and pregnancy: a series of eight cases. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 41 (6):502-512, 1994.
  8. Yang H, Wilson-Yang K, Raymer KRecruitment in anaesthesia: results of two national surveys. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 41: 621-627, 1994.
Book Chapters
  1. Lee RMVascular remodeling in hypertension: Its prevalence and possible mechanisms. In: The Resistance Arteries: Integration of the Regulatory Pathways, edited by W Halpern, JA Bevan, J Brayden, H Dustan, M Nelson, G Ostol. Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press, p. 197-212. 1994.


  1. Beattie WS, Buckley DN, Forrest JBEpidural morphine reduces the risk of postoperative myocardial ischaemia in patients with cardiac risk factors. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 40 (6):532-541, 1993.
  2. Beattie WS, Lindbald T, Buckley DN, Forrest JBMenstruation increases the risk of nausea and vomiting after laparoscopy. A prospective randomized study. Anesthesiology 78 (2):272-276, 1993.
  3. Buckley NRegional vs general anaesthesia in orthopaedics. [Review] [58 refs]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 40 (5 Pt 2):R104-R112, 1993.
  4. Forrest JBA balanced approach for post-operative pain management. Journal of the Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology of Canada, 1993.
  5. Guan YY, Zhang J, Lee RM, Kwan CY, Daniel EECyclopiazonic acid enhanced the Ca2+-dependent outward K+ currents in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells from SHR and WKY. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin 9:257-260, 1993.
  6. Krizmanich WJ, Lee RM. Scanning electron microscopy of vascular smooth muscle cells from spontaneously hypertensive rats. Scanning Microscopy 7 (1):129-134, 1993.
  7. Maurice DH, Lee RM, Haslam RJMeasurement of both cylic [3H]AMP and cyclic [3H]GMP in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells labeled with [3H]hypoxanthine: use in studies of cardiovascular drugs. Analytical Biochemistry 215 (1):110-117, 1993.
  8. Morison DHNew iv induction anaesthetics. [Review] [55 refs]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 40 (5 pt 2):R9-18, 1993.
  9. Smedstad K, Morison DH, Harrish WH, Pascoe PPlacental transfer of local anaesthetics in the premature sheep fetus. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 2:34-38, 1993.
  10. Tsoporis J, Fields N, Lee RM, Leenen FHEffects of arterial vasodilator minoxidil on cardiovascular structure and sympathetic activity in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Hypertension 11:1337-1345, 1993.
  1. Forrest JBManagement of Acute Pain. London: EMIS Productions, 1993.
  2. Forrest JB. Conquering Pain. Hamilton: Empowering Press, 1993.
Book Chapters
  1. Forrest JBLower airway: structure and function. In: Aerosols in Medicine: Principles, Diagnosis and Therapy, edited by F Moren, MB Dolovich, MT Newhouse, and SP Newman. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, p. 27-60. 1993.
  2. Buckley DN, Coughlin MD. Who’s on first? In: The Case of Children: Paediatric Ethics in a Canadian Context, edited by F Baylis and C McBurney. Toronto: Department of Bioethics, The Hospital for Sick Children, p. 120-122. 1993.
  3. Rondo GK, Bowers KS, Buckley DN, Menkle RM, Dunn GL, Rondi PMHPostoperative impact of information presented during general anaesthesia. In: Memory and Awareness in Anaesthesia, edited by Sebelp, B Donke, and E Wenogrel. Prentice Hall, 1993.
Other Publications
  1. Lee RM. Vascular remodelling in hypertension. Scarborough, Ontario: Thomson Healthcare Communication. Medical Illustrata: 1-15, 1993.
  2. Smedstad KTrends in Reproductive Care: A Medical Perspective. Committee on Reproductive Care of the Ontario Medical Association. 4, 1993.


  1. Beattie WS, Buckley DN, Forrest JBContinuous infusions of atracurium and vecuronium, compared with intermittent boluses of pancuronium: dose requirements and reversal. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 39:925-931, 1992.
  2. Cohen MM, Duncan PG, Tweed WA, Biehl D, Pope WD, Perry M, Merchant RNThe Canadian four-centre-study of anaesthetic outcomes: I. Description of methods and populations [see comments]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 39 (5 Pt 1):420-429, 1992.
  3. Cohen MM, Duncan PG, Pope WD, Biehl D, Tweed WA, MacWilliam L, Merchant RNThe Canadian four-centre study of anaesthetic outcomes: II. Can outcomes be used to assess the quality of anaesthesia care? [see comments]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 39 (5 Pt 1): 430-439, 1992.
  4. Dobranowski J, Fitzgerald JM, Baxter F, Woods D. Incorrect positioning of nasogastric feeding tubeds and the development of pneumothorax. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 43 (1):35-39, 1992,
  5. Duncan PG, Cohen MM, Tweed WA, Biehl D, Pope WD, Merchant RNThe Canadian four-centre study of anaesthetic outcomes: III. Are anaesthetic complications predictable in day surgical practice? [see comments]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 39 (5 Pt 1):440-448, 1992.
  6. Fargas-Babjak AM, Pomeranz B, Rooney PJ. Acupuncture-like stimulation with codetron for rehabilitation of patients with chronic pain syndrome and osteoarthritis. Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research 17 (2):95-105, 1992.
  7. Forrest JB, Rehlder K, Cahalan MK, Goldsmith CH. Multicenter study of general anesthesia. III. Predictors of severe perioperative adverse outcomes [published erratum appears in Anesthesiology 1992 Jul;77(1):222] [see comments]. Anesthesiology 76 (1):3-15, 1992.
  8. Forrest JBSympathetic mechanisms in postoperative pain [editorial; comment]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 39 (6):523-527, 1992.
  9. Forrest JBClinical efficacy and safety of ketorolac tromethamine: a potent non-opioid analgesic. Journal of New Developments in Clinical Medicine 10 (3):129-150, 1992.
  10. Grover AK, Samson SE, Lee RMAdenosine metabolism in small coronary arteries of pig. Biochemistry International 27 (4):717-724, 1992.
  11. Lee RMPrevention of vascular structural changes with antihypertensive therapy. Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 6 (1): 8-13, 1992.
  12. Lee RM, Conyers RB, Kwan CYIncidence of multinucleated and polyploid aortic smooth muscle cells cultured from different age groups of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 70:1496-1501, 1992.
  13. Lee RM, Coughlin M, Tsoporis J, Kwan CY, Guan YY, Leenen FHThe effect of neonatal treatment of rats with nerve growth factor on the blood pressure and structure of the mesenteric arteries. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 70 (8):1154-1160, 1992.
  14. Lee RM, Tsoporis J, Wang RR. Influence of chronic nadolol treatment on blood pressure and vascular changes in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 70:1261-1270, 1992.
  15. Mangiarua EI, Lee RMMorphometric study of cerebral arteries from spontaneously hypertensive and stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Hypertension 10:1183-1190, 1992.
  16. Moudgil GC. Anaesthesia and leucocyte locomotion [editorial; comment]. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 39:899-904, 1992.
  17. Ontario Intensive Care Study GroupEvaluation of right heart catheterization in critically ill patients. Ontario Intensive Care Study Group [see comments]. Critical Care Medicine 20:928-933, 1992.
  18. Smeda JSCerebral vascular changes associated with hemorrhagic stroke in hypertension. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 70 (4):552-564, 1992.
  19. Smedstad KPain relief in labour. Journal of the Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology of Canada Dec:26-32, 1992.
  20. Smedstad KG, Beattie WS, Blair WS, Buckley DNPostoperative pain relief and hospital stay after total esophagectomy. Clinical Journal of Pain 8 (2):149-153, 1992.
  21. St. Louis C, Lee RM, Rosenfeld J, Fargas-Babjak AAntihypertensive effect of gamma-linolenic acid in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension 19 (2 Suppl):II111-II115, 1992.
Book Chapters
  1. Fargas-Babjak A, Rooney P, Forrest JB, Pomeranz BCodetron TENS – An effective tool in chronic pain syndrome management. In: The Pain Clinic IV: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium, edited by Hyodo. Utrecht: VSP, p. 301-307. 1992.
  2. Forrest JB. Risk factors of importance: the anesthetic. In: Problems in Anesthesia, Anesthetic Risk and Complications, edited by PG Duncan. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott Co., p. 228-240. 1992.


  1. Beattie WS, Lindblad T, Buckley DN, Forrest JB. The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in women undergoing laparoscopy is influenced by the day of the menstrual cycle. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 38 (3):298-302, 1991.
  2. Hewson JR, Prodger D, Roberts RS, Davis C, Fuller HD, Gregor P, Thomas EJ, Shragge BW, Russett J, Neame PB. Prolonged hemorrhagic shock does not impair regeneration of plasma coagulant masses in the rabbit. Critical Care Medicine 19 (2):253-259, 1991.
  3. Lee RM, Borkowski KR, Leenen FH, Tsoporis J, Coughlin MInteraction between sympathetic nervous system and adrenal medulla in the control of cardiovascular changes in hypertension. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 17 Suppl2:S114-S116, 1991.
  4. Lee RM, Berecek KH, Tsoporis J, McKenzie R, Triggle CR. Prevention of hypertension and vascular changes by captopril treatment. Hypertension 17 (2):141-150, 1991.
  5. Lee RM, Borkowski KR, Leenen FH, Tsoporis J, Coughlin M. Combined effect of neonatal sympathectomy and adrenal demedullation on blood pressure and vascular changes in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Circulation Research 69 (3): 714-721, 1991.
  6. Lee RM, Gzik DJSympatholytic interventions and vascular remodelling. [Review] [36 refs]. Basic Research in Cardiology 86 Suppl 1:55-64, 1991.
  7. Ontario Intensive Care Study GroupA randomized control trial of right-heart catheterization in critically ill patients. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 6 (2):91-95, 1991.
  8. Smeda JS, Lee RMEffect of hydralazine on the mesenteric vasculature of hypertensive rats. Hypertension 17 (4):526-533, 1991.
  9. Smeda JS, Tkachenko OEffects of diuretics on stroke development in Kyoto-Winstar stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clinical Science 81 (3):335-340, 1991.
  10. Smedstad K, Cohen MGrowing number of women physicians not reflected in academic medicine. Canadian Medical Association Journal 144:1313-1315, 1991.
  11. Smedstad K, Cohen MWomen in medicine: An overview of practice. Canadian Journal of OB/GYN and Women’s Health Care 3 (3):171-172, 1991.
  12. Tsoporis J, Fields N, Lee RM, Leenen FHOpposite effects of arterial vasodilators on cardiac vs. arterial hypertrophy and sympathetic activity in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 17 Suppl 2:S169-S171, 1991.
  13. Tsoporis J, Fields N, Lee RM, Leenen FH. Arterial vasodilation and cardiovascular structural changes in normotensive rats. American Journal of Physiology 260 (6 Pt 2):H1944-H1952, 1991.
Book Chapters
  1. Forrest J, Lee RM. The bronchial wall: integrated form and function. In: The Lung: Scientific Foundations, edited by RG Crystal, JB West. New York: Raven Press Ltd., p. 729-739. 1991.
  2. Lee RM, KorsgaardPoster group VI: Structure (Moderators Report). In: Resistance Arteries, Structure, and Function, edited by MJ Mulvaney, C Aalkjaer, AM Heagerty, NCB Nyborg, S Strandgaard. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, p. 390-394. 1991.


  1. Forrest JB, Rehder K, Goldsmith CH, Cahalan MK, Levy WJ, Strunin L, Bota W, Boucek CD, Currhiara RF, Dhamee SMulticenter study of general anesthesia. I. Design and patient demography [see comments]. Anesthesiology 72 (2):252-261, 1990.
  2. Forrest JB, Cahalan MK, Rehder K, Goldsmith CH, Levy WJ, Strunin L, Bota W, Boucek CD, Cucchiara RF, Dhamee SMulticenter study of general anesthesia. II. Results [see comments]. Anesthesiology 72 (2):262-268, 1990.
  3. Kwan CY, Lee RMChanges of beta-adrenoceptors in the aortic muscle cells of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 68:1461-1468, 1990.
  4. Mangiarua EI, Lee RMIncreased sympathetic innervation in the cerebral and mesenteric arteries of hypertensive rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 68 (4):492-499, 1990.
  5. Smeda JSAnalysis of cerebrovascular sympathetic nerve density in relation to stroke development in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Stroke 21 (5):785-789, 1990.
Book Chapters
  1. Hewson JRPolitical problems related to critical care medicine. In: Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, edited by O Aochi, K Amaha, H Takeshita. Elseviers Science Publishers, p. 325-328. 1990.
  2. Hewson JRDisseminated intravascular coagulation. In: Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, edited by O Aochi, K Amaha, and H Takeshita. Elseviers Science Publishers, p. 133-137. 1990.